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Jillian Anhorn

Our Dog was on her last legs and wasnt getting up off the couch anymore. Her appetite decreased and she looked vacant in her eyes. My husband and I had to have the difficult conversation that we were potentially going to have to put her down. Nothing was working. Her arthritis was so bad. We tried NSAIDs and injections but it did nothing for her. We tried a holistic vet where she had acupuncture and was given Chinese herbal medicine. That worked a bit but not enough to continue. We were out of hope.

We heard about Hempworx through a friend and tried it as a last resort. We bought it for her 10th birthday. By day 3, I noticed a chance but thought it was wishful thinking. By day 8 she was considerably different. 2 months in and she was going up and down the stairs again (which she hadn’t done in over a year and a half). She started acting like herself again. She was up and socializing, greeting us at the door again, eating faster than our other dog, coming in the kitchen when we cook, and many other things that we missed about her. Her eyes use to be cloudy and now she can see so much better. She is also so much more alert. It is better than I could have ever dreamed. Her quality of life has increased dramatically and we are so excited. Bulldogs typically live to 10 and she is now 10 and a half. I’m ecstatic!

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