This stuff has seriously changed our lives! After almost a year of not sleeping the last few weeks of Carson age 4 and I being on it Ive gotten more sleep than I have in I dont know how long! My anxiety is less and my sleep is better! Carson is calmer, sleeping all night, laughs more, plays more, walks more, and his muscles are more relaxed.

His physical therapist is amazed and says keep using it! Can I send your info to other patients with similar issues?” Of course!!

His occupational therapists says “I’m so glad you researched it and it’s helping! My dad uses it for pain and it’s been amazing.

His primary care Dr says “If it’s working keep using it! The less meds we pump into him the better

Krystal Forsyth

Our Dog was on her last legs and wasnt getting up off the couch anymore. Her appetite decreased and she looked vacant in her eyes. My husband and I had to have the difficult conversation that we were potentially going to have to put her down. Nothing was working. Her arthritis was so bad. We tried NSAIDs and injections but it did nothing for her. We tried a holistic vet where she had acupuncture and was given Chinese herbal medicine. That worked a bit but not enough to continue. We were out of hope.

We heard about Hempworx through a friend and tried it as a last resort. We bought it for her 10th birthday. By day 3, I noticed a chance but thought it was wishful thinking. By day 8 she was considerably different. 2 months in and she was going up and down the stairs again (which she hadn’t done in over a year and a half). She started acting like herself again. She was up and socializing, greeting us at the door again, eating faster than our other dog, coming in the kitchen when we cook, and many other things that we missed about her. Her eyes use to be cloudy and now she can see so much better. She is also so much more alert. It is better than I could have ever dreamed. Her quality of life has increased dramatically and we are so excited. Bulldogs typically live to 10 and she is now 10 and a half. I’m ecstatic!

Jillian Anhorn

2 cycles ago I started taking HempWorx CBD 500mg oil sublingually and it has completely changed things for me when dealing with my “monthly” issues. I am no longer getting headaches, low back pain, heavy cramping or other issues associated with it that are unbearable. The first couple days I took a few extra drops midday when I started to feel cramping come on and it took the pain away. Im not even taking my prescription meds that I have always taken for these issues. Im actually feeling better in general (happier, less moody, more patient with my kids, and I am sleeping amazing!
This CBD oil is amazing!

Lori McGrath

My boys and I have been taking the 750mg CBD oil for 2 weeks now and this stuff is amazing!

Myself – I have RA, fibromyalgia, and anxiety. Since I’ve been taking the oil my pain level has decreased at least 80%! My anxiety level is down; I haven’t needed any Xanax at all! And I’ve been sleeping better at night and now I can get up around 7-8 in the morning which before I wasn’t able to get up till 11-12 no matter how hard I tried!

Brayden my 2yr old has sleep apnoea pretty bad and since he’s been taking it he’s been sleeping a lot better and not snoring! I had scheduled him for surgery to remove his tonsils but I don’t think I’ll need to now!

Tristan my 4 yr. old. Is autistic and the only thing he’ll eat is peanut butter sandwiches and Ramon noodles, and tortillas. Not much. Since he’s been taking the oil he’s been trying new things on his own!! He’s eating apples now!!! And with Oreos he would never eat the cookie part just the cream in the middle and he was actually eating the whole cookie! And the crust of bread he’s eating!!!! It’s amazing!!! Love it!!

Joshua (13yr old) he has juvenile Huntington’s disease and Tourette’s plus very bad ADHD. Since he’s been taking the oil he Tourette’s is way better, he blurts out maybe once a day if even that compared to ever 10 min. Literally! And with his ADHD he’s calmed down a lot! He’s still hyper but he’s able to control it!!

Matthew (14 yr. old) has juvenile Huntington’s disease, stomach issues and pain in his back pretty bad. Since his been taking the oil he hasn’t had any stomach problems and his pain level is lowered. And his chorea isn’t as bad.

Tammie Lathan

Hello everyone, how are you all? I would like to start with telling my story about my pain. In 2002 I had a Harley I rode daily with passion as I loved riding. It was something I miss to this day. On September 9th 2002 I was in an accident on my Harley that left me with a right broken arm with a plate and 7 screws in it, and damaged knee. I was in the hospital for 3 days. About 5 years ago I started feeling pain in my arm and knee but just fed the pain with pills. Last year this pain increased about 5x than the past. I still continued to feed it pills until just recently I discovered CBD oil. I did my due diligence to research CBD oils and found it to very beneficial to our health. I saw a video about doctor telling how CBD is even killing cancer cells. Now to me that is a huge statement to just throw out there. I did my research and came across Hempworx. With all the testimonies and documentation that Hempworx provided I decided to come aboard and try the CBD oil. Its been about 2 weeks and like to shout out and say I LOVE CBD OIL this oil has taken the edge off and NO MORE PAIN ?. I have more energy and sleep better. THANK YOU, My Daily Choice for your products. Thank you for all you do to help others to live a healthy life.

Jeff Littleton